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Table 1 Population characteristics at baseline, stratified by sex

From: Incidence of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome by Occupation – 10-Year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study

Total a

(n = 8153)


(n = 3685)


(n = 4468)

Age [years], mean (SD)

48.4 (7.6)

48.1 (7.4)

48.6 (7.8)

Education, % (n)

 Secondary general school (graduation after 9 years)

27.4 (2234)

24.8 (913)

29.6 (1321)

 Intermediate school (graduation after 10 years)

23.5 (1917)

30.7 (1130)

17.6 (787)

‽ school diploma

48.1 (3914)

43.4 (1599)

51.9 (2315)

 Other educational qualification

0.5 (41)

0.7 (24)

0.4 (17)

 No qualification

0.5 (38)

0.4 (15)

0.5 (23)

Professional qualification, % (n)

 Primary vocational school

41.3 (3355)

48.6 (1790)

35.1 (1565)

 Secondary vocational school

15.6 (1266)

13.4 (492)

17.4 (774)

 University degree

36.6 (2976)

30.8 (1133)

41.4 (1843)

 Other professional qualification

2.3 (186)

2.3 (86)

2.2 (100)

 No qualification

4.3 (350)

4.9 (179)

3.8 (171)

Total working time [hours/week], mean (SD)b

40.8 (13.0)

34.5 (12.7)

46.2 (10.7)

Years at current work place, mean (SD)

14.3 (10.5)

13.3 (10.2)

15.1 (10.6)

Full-time work, % (n)

73.3 (5830)

48.8 (1771)

93.7 (4059)

Job complexity, % (n)


3.6 (294)

5.7 (209)

1.9 (85)


44.6 (3640)

53.8 (1982)

37.1 (1658)

21.0 (1709)

17.6 (649)

23.7 (1060)

 Very high

30.8 (2510)

22.9 (845)

37.3 (1665)

Supervisors and managers, % (n)

12.0 (976)

6.8 (3685)

16.3 (4468)

Type 2 diabetes, % (n)

4.5 (365)

3.1 (114)

5.6 (251)

Metabolic syndrome (at least 3 of 5 criteria), % (n)

21.3 (1736)

13.2 (488)

27.9 (1248)

 Central obesity

62.3 (5078)

66.1 (2434)

59.2 (2644)

‽ triglycerides

20.5 (1673)

12.7 (467)

27.0 (1206)


20.1 (1640)

11.9 (438)

26.9 (1202)


39.6 (3231)

33.0 (1214)

45.2 (2017)

‽ fasting blood glucose

11.5 (934)

5.9 (216)

14.1 (632)

  1. amissing values: type 2 diabetes = 23; SES and education = 9; professional qualification = 20; total working time = 11
  2. bfixed working time + overtime