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Table 2 Clinical characteristics of participants in study, n = 752

From: Sleep duration in adolescence buffers the impact of childhood trauma on anxiety and depressive symptoms







Any trauma exposure, n (%)a


81 (18.6)

47 (17.1)

130 (17.8)


354 (81.4)

228 (82.9)

602 (82.2)

Number of types of trauma exposure, n (%)a


81 (18.6)

47 (17.1)

130 (17.8)


105 (24.1)

67 (24.4)

177 (24.2)


123 (28.3)

66 (24.0)

192 (26.2)


102 (23.5)

63 (22.9)

170 (23.3)


24 (5.5)

32 (11.6)

63 (8.6)

Number of traumatic events, mean (SD)a

1.7 (1.2)

1.8 (1.3)

1.8 (1.2)

Number of traumatic events, mean (SD)d

2.1 (0.9)

2.3 (1.0)

2.2 (1.0)

Meets nightly sleep duration guidelines, n (%)b


224 (57.8)

104 (39.8)

352 (49.9)


178 (42.2)

157 (60.2)

353 (50.1)

Difficulty falling asleep, n (%)b


293 (69.4)

103 (39.5)

400 (56.7)


129 (30.6)

158 (60.5)

305 (43.3)

Mental health, mean (SD)c

 Depressive symptoms (PHQ-8)

5.1 (4.6)

10.6 (6.7)


 Anxiety symptoms (GAD-7)

4.0 (4.3)

9.3 (6.6)

6.2 (6.0)

 Mental wellbeing score (SWEMWBS)

25.1 (5.7)

21.4 (6.1)

23.5 (6.2)

Probable depression, n (%)c


368 (83.3)

131 (47.5)

507 (68.5)


74 (16.7)

145 (52.5)

233 (31.5)

Probable anxiety, n (%)c


388 (87.8)

152 (55.1)

551 (74.5)


54 (12.2)

124 (44.9)

189 (25.5)

  1. aMissing data for 20 participants
  2. bMissing data for 47 participants
  3. cMissing data for 12 participants
  4. dAmong those exposed to any trauma