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Table 4 Implications for practice, policy and research

From: South Asian women’s lived experiences of health care after disclosure of family violence: a qualitative meta-synthesis review


 •Healthcare organizations must prioritize cultural competency training and integrate it into their staff development programs. This includes understanding cultural nuances, communication styles, and taboos that may impact disclosure

 •Routine screening for family violence, with a focus on cultural sensitivity, should be incorporated into the standard practices of healthcare providers. This approach can help identify cases early and provide timely support

 •Implementing trauma-informed care principles is essential, Healthcare providers should recognize the potential trauma experienced by South Asian women and create a safe and non-retraumatizing environment


 •Engage in community advocacy and awareness campaigns to empower South Asian women to seek help and reduce stigma associated with family violence

 •Healthcare organizations should engage in policy advocacy to address gaps in legislation and healthcare policies related to family violence, ensuring the protection and support of survivors

 •Healthcare organizations should establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and evaluation of their family violence identification and response programs to assess their effectiveness and make improvements


 •Encourage research initiatives and data collection efforts that focus on family violence within South Asian communities. This research can inform tailored interventions and improve understanding

 •It is imperative that future studies focus on the development and implementation of health systems that can provide culturally competent interventions to South Asian women