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Table 3 Summary of critical findings

From: South Asian women’s lived experiences of health care after disclosure of family violence: a qualitative meta-synthesis review

According to South Asian women, the main reason why they did not disclose family violence to health care providers (HCPs) was: I was afraid to disclose

 • Based on the data, most women chose to conceal their abuse from healthcare practitioners for fear of social stigma and shame

 • Women were scared of retaliation if their husband learned about the abuse allegations

 • The presence of husbands and family members prevented women from disclosing abuse during medical consultations

 • Migrant South Asian women also feared being left alone after disclosing FV, since they depended on their husbands for economic and social support

Additionally, South Asian survivors have made efforts to access health care services to find support, but they feel that HCPs are insensitive and discriminatory: They just walk away

 • According to women, they did not disclose their FV experiences because of lack of empathy from the HCPs

 • Despite of managing to talk to the HCP and asking for help, women reported being disappointed with the HCP's judgmental and insensitive response

 • Findings revealed that women presented with physical symptoms, but their health care providers did not understand the underlying cause of their distress

When it comes to what South Asian women wanted from HCPs, they wanted opportunities to discuss their experiences with them and to get support and help from them:ÌýUnderstand and listen to my pain

 • South Asian women suggested that health care practitioners may inquire about FV during routine consultations in culturally appropriate ways, asking about mental health and social ill-health including FV

 • Health care providers are expected to be sympathetic to the experiences of South Asian women who have suffered from family violence, inquire about their experiences, ensure their privacy and confidentiality, and suggest suitable services