Author/year | (country) | Study objective | Qualitative method (analysis) | Setting | Sample size/Demographic |
Ahmad-Stout et al., (2018) [43] | United States | The aim of this qualitative study is to describe the experience with IPV among South Asian women living in the United States | Interviews (grounded theory approach) | Three domestic violence agencies in the United States | N鈥=鈥11 (India (n鈥=鈥7) Pakistani (n鈥=鈥3) or Bangladeshi (n鈥=鈥1) (age 24鈥49聽years old) recruited through three domestic violence agencies) |
Anitha et al., (2008) [25] | England | To explore their service pathways during and after exit and their experience of health, welfare and legal services; and to inform policy changes based on the research findings | Semi-structured interviews | Social housing | N鈥=鈥30 (South Asian women who had experienced domestic violence) |
India | To describes violence-related coping and help-seeking, and preferences for health care鈥攂ased intervention, among perinatal women residing in low-income communities in Mumbai, India | Interviews (thematic analysis) | Health center for child immunization or other infant care | N鈥=鈥32 (women who had recently given birth and self-reported recent violence from husbands) (age 15鈥35聽years old) | |
Janssen et al., [44] | Canada | To hear the views of South Asian women familiar with family violence about ways in which obstetrical care providers could assist them | Workshop (thematic analysis) | Hospital | N鈥=鈥6 (south Asian women survivors of abuse) |
Jayasuriya et al. [51] | Sri Lanka | The aims of this study is to identify possible risk/protective factors, and describe the care-seeking behavior of abused women | Interviews (descriptive summaries) | Respondent鈥檚 home | N鈥=鈥10 (Family violence survivor ever-married women in the age group of 18 to 49聽years) |
McCauley et al., [45] | Pakistan, India | To explore what women, consider health and ill health to be, in general, and during and after pregnancy | Focus group discussions (thematic framework analysis) | Healthcare facilities | N鈥=鈥130 (83 women were attending antenatal & 47 postnatal care) |
Mukerji et al., [55] | Afghanistan | To addresses the need to understand how domestic violence stigma manifests in women鈥檚 lives in such settings, through engaging with the lived experiences of women in Afghanistan | Semi-structured interviews (thematic analysis) | Shelters for survivors of domestic violence provided by NGOs | N鈥=鈥60 (survivors of domestic violence I the age of 18 to 34聽years) |
Naved et al., [54] | Bangladesh | The study explored at greater length spousal violence against women and collected detailed data on husband鈥檚 characteristics, psychological, physical and sexual violence perpetrated by husband, consequences of this violence and coping strategies of a woman | Interviews (thematic analysis) | Household | N鈥=鈥28 (women physically abused by their husbands) (age 15鈥49聽years old) |
Poonam et al., (2016) [46] | Nepal | To explore how women who have experienced domestic violence evaluate their antenatal care and their expectations and needs from health centers | Interviews (content analysis) | Two NGOs: Women鈥檚 Rehabilitation Center (WOREC) and Community Action Center, Nepal (CAC Nepal) | N鈥=鈥12 (Pregnant women experiencing domestic violence) (age 22鈥49聽years old) |
Puri et al., (2005) [47] | United Kingdom and United States | To explores the consequences of multiculturalism-based relativism in health care delivery to battered South Asian immigrant women in England and the United States | Interviews (ethnographic) | Health clinic | N鈥=鈥65 (thirty battered south Asian women US based and thirty-five south Asian women from England |
Raj & Silverman, [11] | United States | The purpose of the current study is to assess acquisition of social support as well as social, health and legal services for domestic violence among two community-recruited samples of battered South Asian women | Interviews (grounded theory approach) | Women鈥檚 choice location | N鈥=鈥23 (migrant South Asian women in abusive relationship) (age 16鈥49聽years old) |
Stokes et al., [48] | Afghanistan | This study explored patterns of abuse and care seeking among women victims of gender-based violence (GBV) in Afghanistan | Interviews (content analysis approach) | Shelter for victims of GBV | N鈥=鈥22 (survivors of GBV) (age 18鈥26聽years old) |
Vranda et al., [49] | India | To explore barriers in disclosing IPV to mental health professionals (MHPs) of multidisciplinary team (such as psychiatrists, psychiatric social workers, and clinical psychologists) by women with mental illness experiencing IPV at a tertiary care psychiatric hospital | Interviews (frequency analysis) | Hospital (mental health department) | N鈥=鈥100 (women experiencing abuse) (age 15鈥49-year-old) |
Zakar et al., [50] | Pakistan | This research intends to explore how women cope with SV in the complex and paradoxical setting of Pakistan | Interviews (thematic analysis) | Women鈥檚 house and Lady health worker office | N鈥=鈥21 (married women in abusive relation) (age 15鈥49聽years old) |