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Table 3 2019 KHC respondent health and development outcomes by indigenous identification

From: Screen time among kindergarten children in the Australian Capital Territory (including a comparison of First Nations and non-Indigenous children)

Health outcome

Missing data

First Nations children

Non-Indigenous children

Proportion of cohort %

(95% CI)

Proportion of cohort %

(95% CI)

BMI category †


Healthy weight

n = 384

74.6 (66.7–81.5), n = 97

77.4 (76.2–78.5), n = 3,882


15.4 (10.0-22.3), n = 20

12.4 (11.5–13.3), n = 621


9.2 (5.1–15.1), n = 12

7.5 (6.8–8.3), n = 377

Respiratory problems


Chest wheeze/whistle (ever)

n = 79

36.1 (28.6–44.2), n = 52

23.2 (22.0-24.3), n = 1,229

Chest wheeze/whistle (in past 12 months)

n = 81

24.5 (18.0–32.0), n = 35

13.0 (12.1–13.9), n = 689

Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) pathway scores


Pathway A

n = 39

15.1 (10.0-21.5), n = 22

11.8 (10.9–12.7), n = 629

Pathway B

25.3 (18.8–32.8), n = 37

22.1 (21.0-23.2), n = 1,179

Pathway C–D (non-predictive concerns)

23.3 (17.0-30.6), n = 34

16.1 (15.1–17.1), n = 858

Pathway E

(no concerns)

36.3 (28.8–44.3), n = 53

50.1 (48.8–51.4), n = 2,678

  1. †Underweight excluded from table due to small numbers preventing adequate de-identification of data (included in analysis)