Programme type | Standard | Remote | Modified |
Timeline | Scheme initiation (2007)-March 2020 | March 2020-March 2021 | March 2021 onwards |
Core Elements | • Referral from a GP or allied health professional • Consultation/first assessment • 16 weeks of exercise sessions (expectation of two sessions per week) • 16-week assessment | As per standard | As per standard |
Location | In person assessment and exercise sessions at a leisure setting | First consultation in person. Minimum of 4 weeks of face-to-face exercise sessions required to permit starting virtual sessions. Follow-up assessment at 16-weeks held virtually. ‘Check-in’ phone calls made | All elements delivered face-to-face, virtually, or as a mix. Delivery determined for each service user based on a combination of their clinical vulnerability and Welsh national/local Covid-19 alert levels at that time |
Home programme option | While service users could opt for one of their two weekly exercise sessions to be supported at home by their ERP (using a written home exercise plan), this was not actively encouraged | Service users who did not want virtual delivery could choose to be supported using a written home exercise plan, supplemented with telephone calls with their ERP | As per standard |
Pathways covered | Generic; stroke; falls prevention; back care; cardiac; pulmonary; cancer; mental health; weight management; lifestyle (for patients awaiting hip/knee replacement); pregnancy | As per standard | As per standard |